Memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pengurusan legalitas hanya dengan 3 Tahapan : Konsultasi, Kirim Persyaratan, Tunggu Berkas Jadi
Pendirian NIB, CV, PT, PT Perorangan, Yayasan, Koperasi, Perkumpulan, PT PMA, dll
Jasa Pelaporan SPT, Jasa Pengukuhan PKP, Jasa Pelaporan LKPM, dll
Jasa Desain Kartu Nama , Kop Surat , Amplop , Banner , Brosur (1,2 Sisi), Cover Facebook , Stempel , Poster , Company Profile, ID Card , Kalender , Banner Market Place , Map , Presentasi , Packaging Box , Label Kemasan , Merchandise
Perusahaan terbukti secara legal, sehingga Masyarakat tidak ragu untuk memilih Produk Barang/Jasa Anda.
Berkesempatan Mengikuti Tender dan Menjangkau Pasar Lebih Luas.
Usaha Anda tercatat secara legal, sehingga Anda dapat terhindar dari tindakan penertiban, dengan begitu Anda akan merasa nyaman dan aman dalam membuka usaha.
Saya sudah sering mengurus dan mendirikan lembaga dan PT, namun POPJASA ini yang terbaik, terjangkau, tidak ribet, pengurusannya sangat mudah bahkan berkasnya dikirim ke rumah tanpa biaya. Tentu ini idaman calon pengusaha yang tidak mau pusing jika ingin mengurus perizinan. Saya sangat puas akan pelayanannya. Sukses Terus POPJASA Makassar.
Alhamdulillah.. selalu amanah.. Pengurusannya saya sangat puas, cepat dan terpercaya.. terimakasih
Sangat recommended Dibantu dari nol sampai selesai keluar ijin usaha Semoga semakin banyak yang terbantu pengurusan ijin usahanya dg kehadiran POP JASA
proses pengurusan cepat, harga murah, legalitas pasti
Mantap, Terpercaya , Pelayanan baik dan Cepat, Sukses selalu buat POP JASA 💪💪
Sangat membantu sekali, proses cepat, aman dan terpercaya
Dapatkan Konsultasi Gratis & Penawaran Menarik dari Kami Sekarang Juga
Kami Hadir Lebih Dekat dengan Lokasi Anda untuk Menambah Rasa Kepercayaan.
Ruko Mezzanine Blok A-25, Jl. Nginden Semolo No. 38-40, Kel. Nginden Jangkungan, Kec. Sukolilo, Kota Surabaya
Jln. Teluk Etna II No. 80A, Arjosari Kec. Blimbing Kota Malang 65126
Jl. Wijaya Kusuma Barat RT 01/ RW 05, Kelurahan Sooko Kecamatan Sooko, Kabupaten Mojokerto
Jl. Raya Bajangan RT. 001 / RW 002 Desa Bajangan Kecamatan Gondang Wetan - Kab Pasuruan Kode Pos 67174
Perumahan Tegal Besar Permai 2 blok H no 2 Kel. Tegal Besar, Kec. Kaliwates, Kab. Jember
Perum Nogotirto 16B, RT/RW 07/21, Jl. Nogotirto, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Jl. Adi Sumarmo No. 59, (Depan Mess Rajawali AURI) Nanasan, Malangjiwan, Kec. Colomadu, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57177
Graha Merah Putih Buah Batu Lantai 1, Jl. Terusan Buah Batu No. 33, Batununggal Kec. Bandung Kidul Kota Bandung 40266
Jl. Merpati 2/5, Pedurungan Tengah, Kec. Pedurungan, Kota Semarang
Jl. Villa Mutiara Pluit Blok E2 No. 05 RT 02/RW09 Priuk Kec. Priuk Kota Tangerang Banten 15131
Jl. Raya Keadilan Rawa Denok Rt 04 / Rw 08 Kel. Rangkapan Jaya Baru Kec. Pancoran Mas Kota Depok
Jl. Raya Siliwangi No. 35 Rt 01/Rw 03, Sepanjang Jaya, Kec. Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi
Jl. Aroepala BTN Minasa Upa No.AB.5/11, RT/RW. 002/021, Gn. Sari, Rappocini, Kota Makassar
Solusi tepat bagi anda para pengusaha yang tidak mau ribet dan tidak punya waktu untuk Mengurus Perizinan, Perpajakan dan Digital Marketing bagi Usaha anda.
We will strive to meet all your business necessities and plans. You can rely on easy accessibility to our qualified staff.
Feel free to have a look at the services we are providing and to contact us for a detailed review of your case and a quote. Stay up-to-date and receive professional advice on specific regulatory requirements.
Learn how to get the most of the tax system for both corporate and individual income.
Free 14 days Trial
Achieve tax savings and get professional legal protection in all possible tax matters. You are no longer alone
Achieve tax savings and get professional legal protection in all possible tax matters. You are no longer alone
Achieve tax savings and get professional legal protection in all possible tax matters. You are no longer alone
Learn how to get the most of the tax system for both corporate and individual income.
Accounting uses the power of the internet to provide you with online bookkeeping services. The technical term for this service is an ASP or Application Service Provider.
Let a professional do a professional’s job. If you are like most business owners and CEOs, you take full pride in the services or products your company provides.
By outsourcing your accounting position(s), your company doesn’t have to endure the hiring process and lose valuable time and money training bookkeepers, accountants or financial controllers.
The short answer: No. You actually have more control since you’ll have accurate, up-to-date financial statements at your fingertips.
If you need someone to make coffee and fill his or her day with other small tasks, that’s great. But think about this: How easy is it to find a good bookkeeper that knows QuickBooks inside and out?
Accounting uses the power of the internet to provide you with online bookkeeping services. The technical term for this service is an ASP or Application Service Provider.
Let a professional do a professional’s job. If you are like most business owners and CEOs, you take full pride in the services or products your company provides.
By outsourcing your accounting position(s), your company doesn’t have to endure the hiring process and lose valuable time and money training bookkeepers, accountants or financial controllers.
The short answer: No. You actually have more control since you’ll have accurate, up-to-date financial statements at your fingertips.
If you need someone to make coffee and fill his or her day with other small tasks, that’s great. But think about this: How easy is it to find a good bookkeeper that knows QuickBooks inside and out?